Welcome to the Big Cats In Britain Wildlife Trigger Camera Blog

Welcome to the Big Cats In Britain Wildlife Trigger Camera Blog

The Big Cats in Britain organisation, (BCIB), predominately searches for evidence of native and non native feline species living in the British Countryside. Part of our research includes the use of wildlife trigger cameras, also known as stealth cams or trail cams . These operate using infra-red technology to take pictures of any animal that passes the camera.

Our members have dozens of these cameras in various locations around the British Isles, operating 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

This blog is dedicated to showing the general public, the animals we have captured on camera. These images are small snapshots of the diversity of animal life that can be found in our countryside.

We hope you enjoy them.......................

All images are copyright of the BCIB, if you wish to use any of these images online or in the media, please contact us first to obtain permission.

Latest Big Cat News

Tuesday, 3 January 2012

A first showing of images from the Scottish Highlands

Todays images come from Ian Fraser's cameras which are currently deployed in Morayshire, Scotland. They show a nice selection of the Scottish wildlife including Roe Deer, Fox, Pheasant and .............well I'll let you try and identify the other bird species

Can you identify this species of game bird?


  1. To me it looks like a common pheasant hen, Phasianus colchius

  2. Excellent shots and wonderful photos.

  3. Hen pheasants?Nice set of pics and good to see you posting again.....

  4. Nice pictures and lovely photography...
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